23 Things I Learned (Was Reminded of) in 2023

  1. Life can dramatically change in a minute.
  2. Parenting is hard – really hard.
  3. Pajama days are needed every now and then.
  4. Science is amazing!
  5. I trust the experts.
  6. It’s OK to say “No”. No further explanation needed than a simple “No.”
  7. A good walk or swim clears the mind.
  8. Girls weekends refresh the soul and should happen at least yearly.
  9. Relationships are not transactional.
  10. I suck at phone calls. The phone was made for texting 😊.
  11. It’s OK to put myself in mommy time out.
  12. Pygmy baby goats are just about the cutest thing in the world.
  13. 4 year old boys have lots and lots and lots of energy.
  14. My mood/energy directly impacts G’s and the dog’s. When I’m agitated, they are too. When I’m calm, they are too. If mama is happy, everyone is happy.
  15. “Kids Baking Championship” reminds me of the beauty of humans.
  16. Sports!  It’s all about sports over here…hockey, football, baseball, golf…. I love it. It’s counting practice for him, he practices his letters, and it beats Blippi. 
  17. Being a parent is like being a goldfish. Sometimes you have to quickly forget what just happened and move on.
  18. Facetime is one of the best inventions of the last 10 years. It allows children to stay close to family and friends although there may be many miles between them.
  19. Taking a step back, slowing down, and watching life as a 4 year old versus 51 year old is pretty remarkable.
  20. Everyone should travel first class internationally with children. (we got free upgrades and boy is it amazing!)
  21. It’s okay to be tired and worn out.
  22. I’m doing the best I can.
  23. 4 year old boy giggles and laughter are infectious.

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