A Flood of Tears

flood of tears post

I wrote this post in November 2018 but never published it. I don’t know why but think it’s important to share with those of you who are waiting to adopt, waiting to have children, waiting for something. It’s hard but you’ll get through it.

Out of nowhere, I have tears flowing down my cheeks.  Simple things like seeing a friend’s post about her daughter just coming back from science camp, watching a video of a puppy and a baby, a TV commercial.  There’s not always an explanation for the tears, but they come and make me realize that adoption is painful.

Why don’t I have my child(ren) yet? Is there something wrong with me? Why did others get their baby(ies) already?

Some days it’s easy, other days it’s hard and the smallest things can make me cry and wonder if this is the path that I’m supposed to be on.

All I can do is just take it all in, relax, and know that I am where I’m supposed to be. If you need to cry today, cry! There’s nothing wrong with letting it all out.

flood of tears post

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